How to install

The page provides step-by-step instructions for installing ITA Blockchain Masternode, including system requirements, preparing the environment, configuring the client and connecting to the network.

1. System Requirements

Before installing a masternode, ensure that your server meets the minimum or recommended requirements to guarantee stable and efficient operation.

Minimum Requirements

  • CPU: 4 vCPU

  • RAM: 8 GB

  • Storage: 100 GB SSD

  • Internet Connection: 100 Mbit/s

  • Uptime: 99%

  • CPU: 8 vCPU

  • RAM: 12 GB

  • Storage: 250 GB SSD

  • Internet Connection: 100 Mbit/s

  • Uptime: 99%

2. Environment Preparation

  • Operating System

Only Linux is supported. It is recommended to use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or newer.

  • Install Dependencies

Ensure the following packages are installed

sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl nano wget tar tmux -y

3. Downloading the Client

The source code and masternode software are provided upon request. Each node requires a unique activation key, which is issued individually to users who have purchased access.

To obtain the client, contact ITA Blockchain’s official support team via email or Telegram.

Once your request is approved, you will receive a download link for the client and a personal activation key.

Download the provided archive and store the activation key in a secure location.

4. Installing and Configuring the Client

  • Create a Working Directory

mkdir -p ~/ita-mn && cd ~/ita-mn

Place the downloaded archive in the created directory.

  • Extract the Archive

tar -xvzf ita-mnode-linux.tar.gz

After extraction, the following files will appear in the working directory:

  1. ita - Masternode executable file

  2. activate - Activation executable file for the node using a personal key

  3. - Script for initializing the masternode

  4. - Script for starting the masternode

  5. - Script for connecting to other clients in the network

  • Activate the Masternode

The first step is to activate the masternode in the ITA Blockchain network

./activate --activate=XXXX

Replace XXXX with a unique activation key that is provided individually. You can get the key only from the project team.

Important: Ensure the activation key is correct. An invalid key will result in activation failure.

  • Initialize the Masternode

After successful activation, run the initialization process. This command creates the necessary configuration files and directories for the masternode.


After executing this command, the masternode will be ready to run.

5. Starting the Node

  • Create a new tmux session

tmux new -s ita-node

Use tmux to run the masternode in the background, creating a new session.

  • Start the Masternode


To detach from the active tmux session without stopping the process, press Ctrl+B, then D.

  • Connect to the Network


This step establishes a connection with other nodes and begins synchronizing with the network.

6. Log Monitoring

To view active tmux sessions, run:

tmux list-sessions

If the masternode is running in the ita-node session, connect to it to view logs:

tmux attach-session -t ita-node

To exit the active session without stopping the process, press Ctrl+B, then D.

Regularly update the executable files and scripts when new releases are issued to ensure your masternode operates without interruptions.

Last updated