The page provides step-by-step instructions on how to start earning ITA coins in the game “World of Tanks” using Proof-of-Game algorithms.
To work with the ITA Blockchain network, you will need a crypto wallet that supports adding custom networks. We recommend using MetaMask or Rabby.
Detailed instructions for installing and adding the network can be found in the “About ITA → Add to Wallet” section.
To start using the platform and gain access to all available sections, you must connect one of the recommended wallets to the system.
Log in using your wallet (MetaMask, Rabby, or others)
Confirm the required permission requests for connecting to the platform
After successful authorization, your wallet will automatically be linked to the platform.
If you haven’t previously added the ITA Blockchain network to your wallet manually, this will be done automatically upon confirming the operation during the connection process.
To start using ITA Blockchain within the “World of Tanks” game project, you must link your game account to our platform.
If you do not already have a “World of Tanks” account, first register in the game to begin earning rewards for your in-game activity on our platform.
Navigate to the “World of Tanks” section on the platform and click the "Login" button.
Then, confirm the authorization on side
Please note that the authorization is carried out exclusively on the part of the developers. We do not store or access your password, email or phone number. For your security, ensure you only enter your information on the official pages.
Never share your credentials with third parties!
If you receive an error message upon login (for example, “No games played”), follow these steps:
Log into the game using your account
Complete the tutorial
Play at least one game
Exit “World of Tanks” and try authorizing again on
These actions will synchronize your gaming activity with the ITA Blockchain system, allowing you to track your achievements and receive rewards for your in-game actions.
Once your game account is successfully linked, you can start a session and activate the reward system by clicking the "Start playing" button.
The button’s text will change from “Start playing” to “Still online”, and the current duration of the gaming session (default is 6 hours) will be displayed next to it.
You can extend the gaming session and reset the counter at any time by clicking on the "Still online" button.
After setting up your wallet and linking your account, you can begin earning ITA coins. The gameplay is simple and intuitive:
Launch World of Tanks and start playing
Achieve effective results across various game modes
Your earnings data will be displayed in your personal dashboard in the form of a table.
The system automatically tracks your activity and credits rewards for your participation either when you exit the game or when you switch to another server.